Copy of Services

Permit expediting done the right way.


DOB & DOT permits

Once you've been awarded a job, we can assist you with obtaining the proper permits. We primarily assist clients with DOB & DOT permits since our focus is on residential renovations.

15+ years of experience

Our staff has 15+ years of experience in obtaining construction permits. We've seen it all and can advise you properly on how to navigate the construction permitting process in NYC.

Organized project management

Whether you are building a new building or repairing a sidewalk, let our organized and professional staff assist you with the permitting process. We pride ourselves on our project management skills.


Get permits quickly

Most permits take us only a day or two to obtain.

10,000+ permits obtained

We've assisted clients with obtaining 10,000+ permits throughout the years. That's a lot of permits!

Cost efficient

Our permitting fees are low and well within your construction budget.

My only regret is I dont have more people to recommend you guys to. Exceptional service. No other way to say it.
— Charlie Vacca, Vacca Brothers Contractors

Department of Transportation (DOT) services

Department of Buildings (DOB) services

  • Assistance with pulling DOT permits such as sidewalk repairs and equipment in the roadway.

  • Registration of a contractor to obtain a permittee number.

  • Updating a contractor’s insurance file.

  • Coordination or a New Building Meeting for projects involving the construction of a new building or major alteration.

  • Coordination of a Lower Manhattan Meeting for projects located below Canal Street.

  • Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests.

  • And much more!

  • Filing of Alteration Type-1, -2, and -3 jobs. 

  • Filing of Post-Approval Amendments (PAA).

  • Assistance with pulling work permits

  • Assistance with obtaining after-hours work variance permits.

  • Assistance with obtaining a Letter of Completion aka sign-off.

  • Registration of a contractor with the Licensing Unit to obtain a tracking number.

  • Updating a contractor’s insurance file with the Licensing Unit.

  • And much more!

New to contracting? Watch the video below to see how to get the most basic contracting license - a tracking number.

This video briefly describes how to get a tracking number from the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) so you can pull construction permits. It also talks about the Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) and Home Improvement Salesperson (HIS) licenses offered by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA).

plan on working on sidewalks or in the roadway? watch the video below to get a brief introduction to obtaining nyc dot permits.

Planning on doing construction work on the sidewalk or in the roadway? You'll need permits from the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT). This would include permits for equipment (e.g. compressor, bobcat), storage of materials, placing a container in the roadway, repairing the sidewalk, and much more.